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Benefits of Vitamin E

everyone is aware of how vital vitamin E is to their overall health. Most are familiar with the vitamins C, D, calcium, and folate but not vitamin E. To those who are not fully aware of what vitamin E can do, this is for you.


Vitamin E Benefits

1)Vitamin E is packed with antioxidants that help fight off free radicals. What the antioxidants do is to combine with the oxygen in your body and protect other types of vitamins such as vitamin A from being destroyed so it can be absorbed by the body. The antioxidants are also important to your cells’ membranes. There are also studies that show that vitamin E can help prevent heart problems that are linked to aging thanks to its antioxidant properties.

2) Blood thinning. Another benefit that you can get from vitamin E is blood thinning. This actually helps prevent blood clots from clogging your veins particularly your arteries hence it is useful in keeping various heart issues at bay.

3) DNA and cell protection. Vitamin E is known for its ability to provide protection to your DNA and cells against cancerous compounds. It basically stops tumors from growing while at the same time boosting your immune system so it fight off other bacteria that can develop into carcinogens. There are studies that show vitamin E being able to stop skin cancer when applied on the skin regularly particularly when the person spends most of his or her time outdoors.

4) Aid for diabetics. Diabetics often have to deal with insulin spikes every now and then but with the help of vitamin E, your insulin production will be regulated. What’s more, your blood glucose metabolism will improve when you have adequate amounts of vitamin E in your system.

5) Reduces cholesterol. Another benefit of getting vitamin E into your system is that it helps reduce your cholesterol levels. Low cholesterol levels mean that you are less likely to suffer from heart problems such as stroke and heart attack just to name a few.


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