Along with vegetables, fruits are one of the healthiest food groups. Fruits contain essential source of vitamin C which helps keep your cells healthy. People with diabetes can eat fruit. But, fruits can be quite sugary, therefore, remember this to prevent your blood sugar levels from rising too high. Diabetic Friendly Fruits: 1. Apples An apple a day can really help keep the doctor away. A small apple is a perfect fruit choice, with just 21 grams of carbs and 77 calories. Also apples are filled with fiber and are a good source of vitamin C. Do not peel your apples, the skin of the apples are the most nutritious part, as they are full of antioxidants. 2. Avocados Avocados are high in fat, but these are the good kind of fat, known as monounsaturated fat. Study suggests that avocados are heart healthy because it keeps your good cholesterol levels high. Avocados are eaten raw and can be served in salsas, as guacamole or sliced. Avocados are easy and quick to prepare by slicing them in hal...